Cannabis analysis Slider 4 en Slider 3 en Slider 2 en Slider 1 en

Tested samples matrices

– Passive samplers (SPMD, POCIS, DGT, silicone rubber, PUF)

– Water: waste, industrial, ground, drinking and mineral water

– Sludge and sediments

– Solid samples and waste materials

– Air: emissions, imissions

– Biological material:

  • human (subcutaneous fat, blood serum / plasma, breast milk)
  • animal (muscle, fat, fish, eggs, milk, butter, bowels)

– Food and forage

– Pharmaceutical products, antibiotics, hormones, pesticides


Address for delivery samples

Sample delivery to the Laboratory
(dully copy to post label):

Seat: Dobrá 240, E&H services, a.s.
73951 Czech Republic
On the delivery assistance, please call to this number:
+420-608742251 – sample reception (


E&H services, Inc.
Budějovická 618/53
140 00 Praha 4 – Krč